Witness Tree Online Resources

Folks, there is not a lot of information on Gettysburg’s witness trees to be found in the Internet – yet!; but here is what we have so far:

Some of the beautiful works of art created by Greg Allen at Gettysburg Sentinals.

1. Gettysburg Sentinals – Who wouldn’t want a beautiful, hand-crafted and functional piece of art made out of a witness tree or battlefield tree? Master wood-worker Greg Allen creates individual masterpieces out of certified – and legally obtained – sections of witness tree wood in his workshop on Chambersburg Road in Gettysburg. Greg’s creations make incredible gifts for friends and loved ones who hold Gettysburg dear to their hearts!

2. A new Facebook page dedicated to Gettysburg witness trees was launched in January 2024; here you will find more classic “then-and-now” photo comparisons of the battlefield, many of which will not be found on this website. The page also features the photography of American Battlefield Trust photographer Mark Hartshorne, who will focus on presenting educational information regarding the cannon in Gettysburg. Together, Mark and I hope to make your next trip to Gettysburg that much more fascinating. After all, we all love the monuments, but the witness trees and guns are the only items on the battlefield which connect back directly to the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War!

3. YouTube features a number of Gettysburg Witness Tree related videos, though not all with accurate witness tree-related information:

     Gary Adelman talks about the Gibbon Tree
     Gary Adelman talks about the Devil’s Den Tree
     Dr. Daryl Black talks about the Pender Tree
     Gary Adelman and Wayne Motts Go Inside the Copse

And that’s it so far!