P-3: Crenshaw’s Battery Group
The Storrick Photograph
What These Trees Witnessed
Crenshaw’s Artillery was the fourth in line (north to south) of Pegram’s Battalion of five batteries occupying this stretch of Seminary Ridge from 2 PM on July 2, through July 3, and into July 4, when Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia began its long, slow retreat back to Virginia.
Like its sibling batteries, Crenshaw’s Artillery (led by Capt. William Crenshaw) took part in the supporting artillery fire of July 2 and the artillery barrage of July 3 that preceded Pickett’s Charge. When the cannonade concluded, the central portion of a brigade of Virginia regiments, commanded by Col. John Brockenbrough, passed through Crenshaw’s guns. Please click here to read about the ignominious ending to the charge of Brockenbrough’s Brigade on July 3.
The Trees
In 1932, William Storrick, a former forester for the park, and now recently retired supervisor of Licensed Battlefield Guides, published Gettysburg: The Place, the Battle, the Outcome. The book contains a cpuple of photographs in which we have been able to identify a number of witness trees. The most spectacular of the images is a shot taken from a position between Crenshaw’s Battery to the north and the Fredericksburg Artillery to the south. The photographer had aimed his camera north for this picture, and the result is a photograph in which 6 witness trees can be identified, one (a hickory) on the west side of West Confederate Avenue, and the remainder all white oaks to the east. Two of these trees (#7 and #12) also appear in the Rotograph Co. postcard which we discuss on the Pee Dee Artillery page.
Go to Tree #4
Go to Tree #7
Go to Tree #10
Go to Tree #12
Go to Trees #13 and #14